The Podcrastinators
The Podcrastinators
Advance NZ with Jami-Lee Ross

Advance NZ with Jami-Lee Ross

We’re very excited to publish our first political interview. This week we’re joined by former National Party whip and current independent MP for Botany, and founder of new party Advance NZ; Jami-Lee Ross

We talked about getting into frontline politics at a very early age, the current National Party polling and what Jami-Lee and his party stand for around democracy, foreign affairs and a lot more besides.

Available on all good Podcast platforms

The Podcrastinators
The Podcrastinators
The Podcrastinators brings you a mixiure of comedy, social and political commentary from NZ and around the globe. The podcast is hosted by Auckland based stand up comedians and comedy writing duo, Darran Lees and Mathew Danaher.